With the help of CBANA, Jacob's Ladder™ has been able to track the whole community's progress:

The Belt Line

One of the most centrally-located and diverse communities in Memphis, and where we have done much of our work, is the Belt Line. Though it's located near the U of M Campus area and Chickasaw Gardens, this community is a square-mile pocket of poverty that struggles with some of the highest crime rates in Memphis:

  • 90% of residents live in poverty
  • 1 in 3 lots are vacant or boarded-up
  • Approx. 370 crimes in 2006
  • High occurence of domestic violence
  • High unemployment rate
  • Rising percentage of high school drop-outs
  • 80% of households are single-parent

The University of Memphis and the Hyde Family Foundation have teamed with Jacob's Ladder™ to provide a comprehensive neighborhood property condition map and statistical crime report. In addition, foundation money has helped provide the basis to develop a long-term communty revitalization strategy.

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